Club Sunshine Project No. 1(13 Aug 2018 at UMC). Residents of United Medicare Center (UMC), Elizabeth Drive celebrated their National Day & Sports Fest on 13th August. In support of the event, our Club member Wendy Bajaj sponsored Red Tee Shirts to 68 participating residents and also light refreshment to all residing members of the Center. 10 Club members joined in the Celebration.
Second Community Service (18 August 2018) at Association of Persons with Special Needs Centre (ASPN). VISION FOR ALL. Free Eye Screening Community Service for the ASPN in collaboration with Rotary Club of Singapore. Three of our members volunteered and had a good learning experience. Photo: Rotarian Rupesh, Rotarians, Doctor Volunteers, IWCS members and Volunteers.
Second Community Service (18 August 2018)
President’s Lunch (14 August 2018). President Vijaya hosted and invited Celebrity Chef Sarab Kapoor demonstrated three Thai dishes and also prepared sumptuous Thai lunch and desserts. 20 Club members attended the Lunch and enjoyed the food thoroughly. Club Senior member PP Ellen Louis took great effort to join us and members were delighted to see her. Members enjoyed the Fellowship too. There was a short briefing by President Vijaya and DISO Maria relating to Club matters.
President’s Lunch (14 August 2018). Senior member Ellen Louis
President’s Lunch (14 August 2018). Enjoying!!
President’s Lunch (14 August 2018). Busy writing down the TIPS!