5th JULY 2019


Our Club 73rd Installation lunch was held on 5th July 2019 at Republic of Singapore Yacht Club. The Theme was Nautical. Our members, guests, members from IW Club of Singapore East, IW Club of Singapore West and Rotary Club of Singapore First Lady were present.The program started with a warm welcome speech by our lively and talented MC PP Shahnaaz Hassanbhai followed by lighting the candle of Friendship on each table. District Chairman IIWPBD Shirin Ghadiali, PP Roshan Mistri and PP Wendy Louis proposed the three toasts to the President and Republic of Singapore, to International Inner Wheel and to our Guests.


In her address President Vijaya gave a short presentation of her past year’s Projects and thanking the committee members for their support. She introduced the incoming committee members. Congratulations and best wishes to all the committee members for a happy and successful year.  Click to view photos.