Sponsored meals for children at the Good Shepherd Centre

  Inner Wheel Club of Singapore

16, 22, 23 and 29 March 2020



In spite of the difficulties presented by the global COVID-19 pandemic, The Inner Wheel Club of Singapore was determined to fulfil their promise to sponsor meals at Ahuva Good Shepherd’s Centre for three groups of children.


The centre is run by the Sisters of the Good Shepherd. They have three groups of children, mostly girls: The IPAC children on temporary placement, the Small Group Centre and the Children’s Home.  Together, they make up 42 children and staff who enjoyed the sponsored meals. The total donation for the meals came to $1,200. Meals were organised on 16, 22, 23 and 29 March.


There were many obstacles experienced by the Centre during these days due to the restrictions on movements and staff shortages due to Covid-19 which is why the original dates for the lunches had to be changed and no Inner Wheel members could be present. The children thoroughly enjoyed MacDonald’s, KFC’s and local delights as well as a pizza dinner.


All of the children at the Centre have serious difficulties at home which makes it impossible for them to stay with either parent. Sometimes there has been abuse and the children are very traumatised. Or due to divorce, homelessness or domestic violence the children are provided an interim shelter. Whatever the difficulty of these children, the Club is so pleased to have been able to bring a little additional joy into their routine with a special treat in the form of sponsored meals. Usually, well balanced meals are cooked in the Centre. The children long for a break and enjoy a treat. They feel loved and cared for by people who do not even know them – it is a good feeling. They have written some thank you cards to show their appreciation.


The Inner Wheel Club of Singapore hopes to personally serve them a meal when circumstances allow.


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