Inaugural meeting between Inner Wheel District 331 Chairman Dtn Gillian Lee and the team from PACOS Trust headed by Mr Philip Chin. In view of the inter-zonal travel restrictions in Sabah, weekly update meetings were held virtually.
One of the deep water wells in the village and how the villagers draw the much needed water from an open well. (Far Left) Quality of the well water.
Clearing the project site.
“Gotong royong” or Working Together:
1. Delivery of water tanks 2. Collection of sand 3. Sharing a meal
Marking out the site of the concrete base for the water tanks and the rain water harvesting structure.
(Bottom Right) The design of the Water System as proposed by the team from PACOS.
Construction in progress.
Laying of steel mesh to reinforce the concrete base.
WE HAVE CONNECTION! Water gushing out from the pipe now connected to the water pump, and the installation of the water filtration system.
Filtered water (bottled water on the left) as compared to the unfiltered water from the well (on the right).
Thank you
INNER WHEEL IN THE NEWS! (Daily Express dated 22 February 2021)
And now, on to the construction of the 2nd Water System!