Installation of President Jessica Woon
Inner Wheel Club of Singapore Central
17 July 2021
We had a fun-filled third installation of our club’s President on 17th July, 2021 over zoom. In tandem with our ‘Pink First’ resolution of “Lead the Change” for 2020-21, we injected a combination of friendship and fun and community service goals into our virtual installation
We also took the opportunity to introduce our new President and her team of executive committee members to our guests DC Gillian and members of Dist 331.
To add fun to the quotient, we had a surprise contest for the best headgear and an amazing performance by a child artiste to everyone’s delight.
We hope to continue to carry on with our duties and friendship in the coming times, as we did in the past year, amidst social distancing and challenging times.
Cheers to our friendship and our motto of service!
~ Lipika Bhattacharya